Berlin- Berlin
I have been living and working in Berlin for more than 10 years now.
I can implement mediation and conflict coaching in an office in Berlin Wedding. At the moment, this service is only available online.
Kilifi- Kenya
Through my family relations, I have been connected to Kilifi for the last 9 years. I am currently living here and can take appointments on the whole of Mombasa North-Coast (Malinda till Mombasa).
Perleberg- Prignitz
I offer mediation and conflict coaching in the Prignitz district- Brandenburg. I grew up there for part of my life and the region, as well as its people, are close to my heart. At the moment, this service is only available online.
- Contact -
Phone: 0174-5742774
Mail: [email protected]
Resonanz- Office for Mediation
and Conflict-Management
Marie Stopperka